One Ball State Day 2024

The College of Sciences and Humanities

The largest college on Ball State's campus, the College of Sciences and Humanities is home to the natural, mathematical, and computational sciences; social and behavioral sciences; and humanities. Our students are encouraged to take risks, make discoveries, and serve our neighbors. Ball State’s College of Sciences and Humanities (CSH) provides students with the skills they need to think critically, act globally, solve problems, and make sound judgments. Our faculty work side by side with our students in immersive learning, community engagement, and research. 

The College of Sciences and Humanities Fund Your gift allows these energetic, innovative and passionate students and faculty to cross boundaries and be part of the bigger story of our neighborhoods, community, state, and world. Your generous contributions will help:  

-Send talented students and faculty to conferences where they can discuss new ideas and share their research with colleagues. 

-Provide our innovative faculty support to develop partnerships that further our reach into communities and continue to connect our students with experiences that tackle real-world problems.  

-Support costs associated with undergraduate research activities such as equipment, field studies, travel, and conference fees. 

-Develop the Compass Advantage Program, an initiative that provides resources for students to translate their high demand skill sets into lucrative and purposeful careers.

First 5 Challenge!
Theatre & Dance, CICS, Special Education, Comm Studies, and School of Music are the winners of an additional $500 in challenge funds!
Morning Leaderboard
The three departments/units/teams with the most donors by 10 a.m. receives $2,500, $1,500, and $1,000 in challenge funds.
Rank Prize Area Donors
1 $2,500 Theatre & Dance 138
2 $1,500 Indiana Academy 60
3 $1,000 Communication Studies 51
4 Soccer 33
5 School of Kinesiology 30
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College Leaderboard
The three colleges with the biggest percentage of increased gifts from OBSD 2022 will receive $3,000, $2,000 and $1000.
Rank Prize Department % +/- Gifts
1 $3,000 College of Architecture & Planning +13.88% 238
goal: 209
2 $2,000 College of Health +5.37% 353
goal: 335
3 $1,000 College of Sciences and Humanities -2.74% 675
goal: 694
4 College of Communication, Information, and Media -4.64% 945
goal: 991
5 College of Fine Arts -22.58% 1,046
goal: 1,351
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College Donor Leaderboard
The college that has the most donors will receive $5,000 in challenge funds.
Rank Prize College Donors
1 $5,000 College of Fine Arts 666
2 College of Communication, Information, and Media 618
3 College of Sciences and Humanities 617
4 College of Health 329
5 Teachers College 272
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Academic Area Gift Leaderboard
The three academic departments with the most gifts by midnight receive $5,000, $3,000 and $1,000 in challenge funds.
Rank Prize Department Gifts
1 $5,000 Theatre & Dance 863
2 $3,000 Communication Studies 465
3 $1,000 Indiana Academy 258
4 School of Kinesiology 131
5 Burris Laboratory School 122
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Paint the U.S. Cardinal Red
Paint the U.S. Cardinal Red. Gifts from all 50 states will unlock $5,000 from the Alumni Council to Ball State's greatest needs.
Young Alumni Challenge
Gifts from 50 young alumni (graduated 2013-2023) between noon and 4 p.m. unlocks $500 to Student Scholarships!
Morning Donor Challenge
Brittanie Davis won $1,000 for Spectrum in challenge funds Paaige Turner won $1,000 for Comm Studies in challenge funds Mary Spillman won $1,000 for the Journalism Department Marilyn Chalupa won $1,000 for the Career Center Riley Harman won $1,000 for the Counseling Psych, Social Psych, and Counseling Dept.
I Spy Charlie
I Spy Charlie campus treasure hunt: Find a Charlie Cardinal plush hidden around campus for a chance to designate $250 to the fund of your choice! Follow @BSUFoundation on Instagram for details.
Dean McCarthy Cutout Challenge
The first five CSH departments/areas that dress up Dean McCarthy’s cardboard cutout in a discipline-specific outfit and post to social media using #OneBallState will unlock $100 each from Dean McCarthy.
Dash & Splash Fan Favorite
Dash & Splash event: Fan favorite receives $250 to designate to the fund they represent.
Computer Science Gift Challenge
25 gifts to the Computer Science fund will unlock $250 from Department Chair Dr. Jennifer Coy.
25 / 25 Gifts
LinkedIn $1,000 Challenge
Share a One Ball State Day post on LinkedIn on April 5th for a chance to designate $1,000 to your favorite Ball State area! Use #OneBallState and tag the Ball State Foundation!
First 4 Challenge
Student: Conor Daily won $250 for Emens Scholars Young Alumni Scholarship. Employee: Christopher MCcloskey won $250 to Theatre General Parent: Molly Murphy won $250 for Theatre & Dance Showcase Fund Alumni: Matt Gibson: Kimberly Ruse Roberts won $250 for Theatre Education Scholarship
Brunch Leaderboard
The five areas that raise the most money from 10 a.m. - Noon each receive $1,000 in challenge funds
Rank Prize Area Raised
1 $1,000 Men's Tennis $11,320.00
2 $1,000 Theatre & Dance $6,379.00
3 $1,000 Indiana Academy $5,260.00
4 $1,000 Gymnastics $4,645.00
5 $1,000 Men's Golf $3,605.00
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Non-academic/Non-athletic Leaderboard
The two non-academic/non-athletic areas with the most donors each receive $1,000.
Rank Prize Area Donors
1 $1,000 BFSA: Dr. Charles R. Payne Scholarship 92
2 $1,000 Ball State Student Media 86
3 Student Emergency Aid Fund 78
4 Cardinal Kitchen 63
5 Indiana Public Radio 59
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Donor Leaderboard
The five units with the most donors by midnight will each receive $1,000
Rank Prize Area Donors
1 $1,000 Athletics 1,006
2 $1,000 College of Fine Arts 666
3 $1,000 College of Communication, Information, and Media 618
4 $1,000 College of Sciences and Humanities 617
5 $1,000 Theatre & Dance 512
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OBSD Video Challenge
Share any of the official One Ball State Day videos on Facebook and use #OneBallState. Two participants will get to donate $500 in challenge funds toward their favorite area.
Evening Leaderboard Challenge
The five areas with the most donors between 8-10 p.m. will each receive $1,000 in challenge dollars.
Rank Prize Area Donors
1 $1,000 Theatre & Dance 74
2 $1,000 Indiana Academy 53
3 $1,000 Communication Studies 38
4 $1,000 Men's Golf 28
5 $1,000 Field Hockey 26
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International Alumni Challenge
Daniel Vidal from Puerto Rico was the first international alum to Men's Tennis!
Last Hour Leaderboard
The area that rasises the most money from 11 -11:59 p.m. will receive $1,000 in challenge funds.
Rank Prize Area Raised
1 $1,000 Theatre & Dance $4,550.00
2 Field Hockey $1,424.98
3 Indiana Academy $870.00
4 Black Alumni Council $835.00
5 Sociology $725.00
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Foundation Employee Challenge
If the Foundation reaches 100% employee participation, Jean Crosby and Ray Allen will give $500 each.
Dash & Splash Winners
Dash & Splash: Top two racers receive $1,000 each to designate to the fund they represent.
CSH Leaderboard
The CSH department/area with the largest percent increase in the number of gifts from last year's OBSD will receive $500 from Dean McCarthy.
Rank Prize Department % +/- Goal
1 $500 Physics & Astronomy +150.00% 10
goal: 4
2 Computer Science +80.00% 45
goal: 25
3 Biology +78.26% 41
goal: 23
4 Criminal Justice and Criminology +77.78% 32
goal: 18
5 Philosophy and Religious Studies +27.91% 55
goal: 43
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Computer Science Challenge
When the Computer Science fund raises $310, that will unlock a matching $310 from faculty.
$310 / $310 Raised
College of Sciences & Humanities Match
Kassie Cosgrove will match gifts to CSH up to $250!
Don't forget to share!

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