The Department of Political Science is dedicated to advancing the understanding of the political frontier through teaching and research. Our students are striving to make better sense of the world in order to make a difference in the community by working side-by-side with faculty on important events that are shaping our world today.
Gifts made to the department directly benefit our undergraduate and graduate students from the Political Science, Legal Studies, and Public Administration disciplines in a wide range of opportunities including scholarships, research assistance, and special opportunities like presenting at conferences. Your gifts will create an immediate and long-lasting impact on our students. Hear from one student who has been with us from the beginning.
“During my time in the Political Science program at Ball State, both as an undergraduate and now as a Masters student, I have been blessed to experience some of the best learning opportunities from some of the most generous, thoughtful, and caring professors who truly want to see their students succeed. I have learned valuable skills both in the classroom and through the opportunities to complete an internship, present papers at conferences, and attend special events hosted by the department. I am confident that the knowledge, skills, and relationships I have gained through the Political Science department will carry me far in my future endeavors.” – Katie Schwipps, Political Science Graduate Student from Seymour, Indiana
Our proud past allows us to look towards the future where we can see the promise of a new generation of discoveries as students and faculty explore the political frontier. Our students infuse learning and research with their passions and perspectives to understand their world, engage their world, and make everlasting changes in their world. But their success will depend in great measure on the participation of all those who share our aspirations. We invite you to join us in supporting a limitless education, the development of new ideas, pioneering research, and changing the world one student at a time.