Charles W. Brown Planetarium

Together, we can make an impact.

image of the exterior of the planetarium, dome building, flowers in foreground

Your contribution to the planetarium directly impacts Ball State students and the Muncie community. 

Your contribution...

  funds student staff!

  enhances events with new technologies and immersive programs!

  expands our hands-on activity stations and telescope observing opportunities!

  encourages scientific literacy and advancement!

 Ball State students contribute to all planetarium events.

student workers at the control panel of the planetarium, buttons and sliders visible

The Brown Planetarium is part of the Department of Physics and Astronomy and students from this department and others work in the planetarium. They love sharing their knowledge and passion for the universe with others.

Who visits?

student worker presenting in front of a full planetarium with the pleiades star cluster overhead on the domeOver 22,000 people enjoy the planetarium each year and we see over 9,000 school kids who come during field trips! All public planetarium events are free and open to all, with nearby parking for public programs.

Our namesake.

Charlie Brown and wife Louise Tetrick standing by a large 10 outside the planetairum

Charles W. Brown (R) and his wife Dr. Louise Tetrick at the 10 Year Anniversary Celebration of the Planetarium in November 2024.


The Charles W. Brown Planetarium is named for businessman and philanthropist Charlie Brown, BA '71, whose passion for science was rekindled by the planetarium project. Mr. Brown and his wife, Dr. Louise Tetrick, hope the planetarium provides an incredible resource for the community, especially youth, as well as university students. Their goal is to make a difference in kids’ lives, as they believe that is where we can all be the most impactful.


We are continuously inspired and humbled by those who continue to give to support the planetarium; including gifts to the James and Nancy Watson Planetarium Science Education Fund. This fund was set up by the late Nancy Watson to support the science educational outreach mission of the planetarium to K-12 children.



Join those who have given to the planetarium today!

student worker presenting in front of a full planetarium with the Earth's magnetosphere overhead on the dome

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