Digital Corps
Creative. Innovative. Collaborative. A life-changing student experience.

For nearly 20 years, the Ball State University Digital Corps has provided a creative and collaborative work opportunity to undergraduate students while supporting the academic success of the University. The Digital Corps provides superior training and great experiences within a student's chosen craft to help prepare for a career, along with workshops focused on professional preparedness. Students from a wide range of disciplines-video production, design, communication, user experience, and development-come together to form interdisciplinary teams focused on creative problem solving.

From their very first day at the Digital Corps, students are expected to think differently about learning. Entry-level "Apprentices" spend weeks building their skills and proving their creativity. "Specialists" demonstrate their particular expertise while refining their competencies. And the Digital Corps' student leadership team - the "Master" students - provide guidance to the entire group while displaying their achievements in their craft.

Classroom learning, exemplary skills within a discipline, and an excitement for creative problem solving help smart graduates become great employees. The Digital Corps aims to produce some of Ball State's best-prepared graduates by requiring weekly professional development workshops focused on topics like workplace communication and productivity, finding and securing a job, adjusting to life after college, and more.

Supporting the Digital Corps on One Ball State Day will build on the foundational student experience. A donation will expand and enhance the opportunities for creative collaboration, career exploration, professional development, and more. Thank you for supporting the life-changing work of the Digital Corps!

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