The field of Institutional Research has grown and developed considerably over the last several decades. Today’s graduates need to have both a theoretical and practical understanding of many concepts including database development, advanced analysis and analytics, research concepts, project management, organizational behavior and more! They need to be able to connect these concepts to the mission of the institutions of higher education in which they will work and thrive. The work of Institutional Research and Decision Support is crucial to Ball State and the field is important to the world of higher education generally.
You can help with your donation to IRDS. Your generous contribution will be used to support expenses that would not normally be included in our budget. These include:
We hope we can count on you to give as generously as possible. If you’d like to talk to us please feel free to contact me at 765-285-2191 or set up an appointment at I know our grad assistant and intern would love to talk to potential funders.
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