School of Kinesiology
Kinesiology: The study of the impact of physical activity on health, society, and quality of life.

The School of Kinesiology offers four bachelor’s degree programs, seven master’s degree programs, one doctoral program and six minor degree programs. We continue to build on our commitment to excellence with our extraordinary faculty and staff, successful alumni, and valuable external partnerships. 

School of Kinesiology Mission Statement

As a leader in professional preparation and scientific inquiry, the School of Kinesiology provides high-quality educational experiences for our students, contributes to the scholarly advancement of our academic disciplines, and serves our professional societies and the community-at-large.

Our well equipped teaching and research laboratories allow our students hands-on learning experiences, ranging from perfecting practical skills to understanding the functions of the human body.  

We are committed to delivering an exceptional educational experience at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, while also furthering the respective disciplines through scholarly activity. We strive to serve the university, the professions, and the community.


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