Training Speech and Hearing Professionals and Serving the Community!
We depend on the generous support of our community partners, alumni, and friends to help us provide hands-on, real-world training to our students, in their service of the communication and swallowing needs of people from around central Indiana and beyond. Your donation to our general fund (#8305), will support and advance the speech-language pathology and pre-audiology undergraduate programs as well as the Master of Speech Language Pathology and Doctor of Audiology graduate programs. The programs include nearly 300 students, who provide services to over 2700 clients through our speech and audiology clinics each year. Your donations will aid faculty in creating unique learning experiences in the classroom, in our clinics and in the community. Take a moment, to check out some of the important work our students and faculty have been doing together over this last year...and thank you for your support!
- SPEAK OUT! Individual and group therapy through Parkinson's Voice Project. In addition, creation of a multidisciplinary community program to improve the quality of life for individuals with Parkinson's disease.
- Students and faculty provide hearing screenings for Muncie and Anderson Head Start Centers.
- An interdisciplinary Falls Risk Prevention Program is being offered to the community. The course teaches community members about ways to lessen their risk of falling and improve balance and physical strength.
- Students are designing a literacy clinic to address the needs of children in our community who don't have the necessary language and literacy skills to enter kindergarten or who are struggling with literacy in grades K through 3.
- In collaboration with kinesiology our faculty and students are studying markers of cardiovascular health and hearing loss.
- Students and faculty provide services to local elementary schools to assist with RTI and to enhance literacy skills.
- Audiology and Speech Language Pathology graduate students are working together to measure language and cognitive skills of children with listening difficulties.
- Expansion of services in our on-campus clinic in the areas of pediatric dysphagia and instrumental assessment of voice and swallowing.
- Students and faculty participated in advocacy for our professions as part of ISHA Legislative Day, 2024 - training today's students to be tomorrow's leaders!