The CICS story:
Every year a diverse group of students comes to The Center. During that year, they are challenged in ways they may never have been before or could ever have imagined. They are supported in their efforts by faculty, staff, and alumni as they learn and grow. They leave the Center prepared to continue the lifelong learning necessary in our tech-centered world. One Ball State Day is a day about giving back to our students who work hard throughout the year, so why not give them the best opportunities possible?
In order for the program to thrive, CICS needs to provide unique out-of-classroom experiences. Your donation can provide scholarships for travel to professional conferences, scholarships to pay for professional certifications, Women Working in Technology, and support of professional development activities throughout each 11-month academic year or for our online students' longer path.
To our Alumni:
You are the BEST. You give back because you know what you gained from the CICS experience. Besides your financial support, you are involved in professional development activities, you support class projects, and you serve on panels; the list is endless. We are asking you – even those who give regularly, to increase your financial support, just a bit on this day. If you haven’t donated recently, this is an easy and low-pressure way to give. If every one of our over 2000 alumni gave just $10, that participation would be impressive. How about $20? You can do the math. But, it’s about more than math; it’s about the act of giving, no matter the amount. Help CICS continue to develop the next generation of tech leaders by donating today – One Ball State Day.
Thank you for your support. #cicsstrong