The School of Art at Ball State University is committed to providing an excellent education. In addition to the costs of tuition, living expenses and books our students also have out of pocket materials and supplies costs. We work to keep these costs to a minimum, but art/design supplies are not cheap, and out of pocket expenses can be a challenge for our students. Your contribution directed to support of students will make a difference - lessening anxiety and allowing our students to focus on their learning and pursuit of their creative development instead of focusing on working full time or part time jobs.
Celebrating and inspiring the Ball State University art students through The Ned and Gloria Griner Art Gallery events calendar, underwriting, or sponsoring gallery activities and events directly benefits our students learning experience at the School of Art. In addition to “Student Shows” the Griner Gallery hosts artists from around the world to inspire students and enrich their learning experience; exhibits, and visiting artists add richness to the classroom. Your financial contribution supporting the Griner Gallery events provides an immersive learning experience at Ball State University benefiting the BSU community.