Miss One Ball State Day? You can still make an impact.
Elementary Education

An elementary school teacher not only helps children learn but prepares future leaders. We prepare teachers who are culturally responsive and committed to social justice through engagement with the community. Your support will help our Ball State elementary teacher candidates to work with children and teachers in schools and organizations. 

The following list provides a high overview of the top ten ways our teacher candidates engage with our program: 

  1. Service Learning & Community Involvement: Ball State teacher candidates are situated to serve in several of their courses as well as encouraged to get involved in both the campus and neighboring communities. 
  2. Emerging Instructional Technology & Media: Ball State teacher candidates begin learning how to use various technologies and media in their first year to prepare them for future 21st Century classrooms. 
  3. Immersive Learning Opportunities: Ball State elementary teacher candidates begin teaching and learning as early as their first year when enrolled in one of many of our immersive learning opportunities. 
  4. Living-Learning Communities: Ball State elementary teacher candidates engage in peer mentoring, early professional development events, and community building for freshman.   
  5. College Mentors for Kids: Ball State elementary teacher candidates mentor local Muncie elementary students. 
  6. Travel: Ball State elementary teacher candidates have various opportunities to travel and learn, including studying abroad in England and student teaching in Texas or Germany.
  7. Urban School program: Ball State elementary teacher candidates learn and teach for a semester in the MSD of Wayne Township (Indianapolis).
  8. Schools within the Context of CommunityBall State elementary teacher candidates complete immersive course work and field experiences in Muncie Community Schools.  
  9. STEAM Literacy & EnrichmentBall State elementary teacher candidates have opportunities to learn how to teach Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics across the elementary curriculum as well as facilitate afterschool enrichment. 
  10. Camp Adventure: Local elementary students attend 4 weeks of summer camp planned and facilitated by Ball State elementary teacher candidates.

Additional Information About Our Program 

Our program offers real-world applications and immersive learning projects, in which students gain valuable, hands-on experience working alongside community organizations such as museums, childcare centers, and community agencies.

In addition, through Ball State's Professional Development Schools program, we partner with a number of elementary schools and early childhood centers to provide placements for our practicum students and student teachers. 

Teacher candidates begin the elementary education program working in the field their first year, directly with elementary students and professional elementary teachers, and this experience continues through student teaching to graduation.


Our graduates have a 93 percent placement rate thanks to our dedicated, experienced faculty responsible for our programs, many of whom consistently rank among the best of their kind in the U.S.

Your support will help our Ball State elementary teacher candidates to work with elementary children and teachers in schools and organizations across Indiana, the United States, and around the globe.  

 Thank you for your donation!

$25,000 Surprise Challenge
$750,000 will unlock $25,000 for Student Emergency Aid, Student Scholarships, Cardinal Kitchen, Cardinal Excellence Fund, and SOAR. Each area will receive $5,000 thanks to an anonymous donor.
Morning Challenge
From 8 - 11 a.m., five donors will be selected at random and $1,000 will be given to the fund their gift went to.
First Student, Employee, Alumni, & Parent Challenge
The first student, employee, parent, and alumni donor will each receive $250 given to the fund their gift went to.
Academic Department Leaderboard
The three academic departments with the most gifts by midnight April 6 receive $5,000, $3,000 and $1,000 in challenge funds.
Rank Prize Department Gifts
1 $5,000 Theatre & Dance 1,082
2 $3,000 Communication Studies 409
3 $1,000 School of Music 163
4 School of Journalism and Strategic Communication 160
5 Center for Information & Communication Sciences 127
Evening Leaderboard
The 5 areas that raise the most money from 7-11:59pm each receive $1,000
Rank Prize Unit Raised
1 $1,000 Athletics $38,306.54
2 $1,000 Indiana Academy $14,305.00
3 $1,000 Theatre & Dance $11,450.22
4 $1,000 Alumni Programs $5,770.00
5 $1,000 Black Alumni Constituent Society $4,180.00
First Five!
One Ball State Day, 24-hours of inspiration and impact, starts now. The first 5 academic areas to receive a gift will each receive $500 in challenge funds.
Tag & Swag Social Media Challenge
Take a selfie with any of our Leadership cut outs and post social using #OneBallState. Four individuals will be randomly chosen to designate $250 to a fund of their choice.
Donor Leaderboard
The five units with the most donors by midnight will each receive $1,000
Rank Prize Department Donors
1 $1,000 Athletics 812
2 $1,000 Theatre & Dance 633
3 $1,000 Indiana Academy 278
4 $1,000 Communication Studies 184
5 $1,000 School of Music 126
Evening Donor Leaderboard
The five areas with the most donors between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. will each receive $1,000 in challenge dollars.
Rank Prize Department Donors
1 $1,000 Athletics 161
2 $1,000 Theatre & Dance 149
3 $1,000 Indiana Academy 50
4 $1,000 Communication Studies 47
5 $1,000 Ball State Student Media 27
Teachers College Leaderboard
The Teachers College department with the most improved number of gifts from OBSD 2021 will receive $500 for first place, $250 for second place, and $250 for third place from Dean Marri.
Rank Prize Department % +/- Goal
1 $500 Educational Studies +179.17% 67
goal: 24
2 $250 Early Childhood, Youth, and Family Studies +37.50% 55
goal: 40
3 $250 Elementary Education +18.31% 84
goal: 71
4 Educational Leadership -15.38% 55
goal: 65
5 Special Education -50.99% 74
goal: 151
International Alum Challenge
The first international alum to make a gift on One Ball State Day will get $500 in challenge funds designated to the fund their gift went to.
General Counsel Match
Sali Falling will match gifts made by General Counsel employees up to $500.
Teachers College $15,000 Match
The first $15,000 given to support the Teachers College will be matched by BSU Grad Tom Murphy for a total of up to $15,000, which will benefit future educators.
$15,000 MATCHED
2022 Elementary Education Challenge
When the Department of Elementary Education donations reach $2,022, a gift will be unlocked for $250 given by Members of the Elementary Education Marketing & Recruiting Committee
$2,022 / $2,022 Raised
Support Travel Expenses for Elementary Education Students
The first donor to donate between 8am-9am will unlock the gift of $250 given by Elementary Education faculty Drs. Fife-Demski, Martin, and Hullinger-Sirken.
1 / 1 Donors
College Leaderboard
The three colleges with the biggest percentage of increased gifts from OBSD 2021 will receive $3,000, $2,000 and $1,000.
Rank Prize College % +/- Goal
1 $3,000 Honors College +17.39% 108
goal: 92
2 $2,000 College of Health +12.42% 335
goal: 298
3 $1,000 College of Architecture & Planning -7.93% 209
goal: 227
4 Teachers College -10.92% 848
goal: 952
5 Miller College of Business -12.21% 410
goal: 467
Paint the U.S. Cardinal Red
Gifts from all 50 states will unlock $5,000 from the Alumni Council!
College Leaderboard
The college that has the most donors receives $5,000 in challenge funds.
Rank Prize College Donors
1 $5,000 College of Fine Arts 855
2 Teachers College 721
3 College of Sciences and Humanities 659
4 College of Communication, Information, and Media 629
5 Miller College of Business 387
Ambassador Challenge
The three units/departments with the most verified ambassadors, with dollars raised, receives $1,000.
Facebook Challenge
Share the official One Ball State Day videos on Facebook and use #OneBallState. Two participants will get to donate $500 in challenge funds toward their favorite area.
Twitter Challenge
Share the official One Ball State Day videos on Twitter and use #OneBallState. Two participants will get to donate $500 in challenge funds toward their favorite area.
Noon Leaderboard
The department/unit/team that has the most donors by noon receives $5,000 in challenge funds.
Rank Prize Unit Donors
1 $5,000 Theatre & Dance 296
2 Athletics 272
3 Indiana Academy 130
4 Ball State Fund 107
5 Student Scholarships 86
Dean Cutout Selfie Challenge
Provost Susana Rivera-Mills will donate $100 for each dean who takes a selfie with her cut out and/or the cut out of another dean and posts it to social media using #OneBallState on April 5. This total gift of up to $5,000 will benefit the University College.
Last Hour Challenge
Give during the last hour of OBSD and you could be one of three donors chosen to designate an extra $1,000 to the area you gave to.
Ball State University Foundation Challenge
If the Foundation reaches 100% employee participation, Jean Crosby & Ray Allen will give a total of $1,000.
Enrollment Planning & Management Employee Challenge
If the number of enrollment planning, and management employees who donate is greater than last year, Vice President Paula Luff will donate $2,000 to Student Emergency Aid Fund.
IT Employee Match
Loren Malm will match gifts made by IT division employees up to $500.
Support Elementary Education's Immersive Teaching & Learning Opportunities Challenge
Upon 25 alumni making a gift to the Elementary Education Department, an additional $300 will be added to their generous donation by Elementary Education Chair, Dr. Martin and Co-Chair, Dr. Sydnor.
25 / 25 Donors
Support Elementary Education STEAM Education Challenge
When one donor gives $250, a gift of $250 will be unlocked given by Elementary Education faculty Drs. Martin, Shively, and Tancock.
1 / 1 Donors
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Or you can contact us at oneballstateday@bsu.edu.