Dance Marathon


**Please note that gifts and donations to the Dance Marathon Foundation Fund will not be directed to Riley Hospital for Children Foundation. All dollars raised for the Dance Marathon Fund will remain on campus and will support Dance Marathon programs and activities.** 


Dance Marathon and the student leaders that run Ball State's largest student organization and student-run philanthropy strives to create a year-round fundraising and awareness effort in honor of the children and families at Riley Hospital for Children by unifying the Ball State University student body, providing a strong support system for the kids, and celebrating hope and healing for our Riley families through our Dance Marathon event.



The annual 13.1 hour Dance Marathon event that occurs in February is an amazing event that brings over 1000 Ball State students and hundreds of community and Riley Famly members to the marathon.


How can you help?

Gifts to the Dance Marathon Leadership and Activity Fund will go to support operational expenses associated with the annual marathon event (i.e. production company, rec center staffing, 2 meals for all participants, games and interactive activities, etc.). While Dance Marathon is given a small organization budget from Ball State it is not enough to cover all programs and events that we have historically offered. Gifts to this fund will help offset costs and ensure dollars raised are shared directly with Riley Hospital for Children Foundation. 


Donations to this fund also support leadership development opportunities for executive board officers as portions of this fund will be used to supplement travel and registration expenses to the annual Dance Marathon Leadership Conference.


Help us make every activity, program, and event count! #ftk


See what people are sharing about One Ball State Day 2021!
6,323 Gifts Unlocks $3,000 for the Multicultural Center
Upon receiving 6,323 gifts, $3,000 will be unlocked for the new Multicultural Center!
6,323 / 6,323 Gifts
Unlock $3,000 for Student Emergency Aid
Upon receiving 6,323 gifts (beating last year's total number of gifts), $3,000 will be unlocked for Student Emergency Aid!
6,323 / 6,323 Gifts
New Challenge - 2 Areas Will Win $1,000
From 7-8pm, two of the non-academic/non-athletic areas with the most donors will each receive $1,000.
Rank Prize Areas Donors
1 $1,000 Ball State Student Media 16
2 $1,000 Spectrum 12
3 Dance Marathon 7
4 Fraternity and Sorority Life 6
5 Multicultural Center 6
5 Hours, 5 Areas, $1,000 Each
The 5 areas that raise the most money from 7pm-Midnight will each receive $1,000!
Rank Prize Department Raised
1 $1,000 Athletics $30,956.02
2 $1,000 Theatre & Dance $17,061.74
3 $1,000 Indiana Academy $9,981.41
4 $1,000 College of Architecture & Planning $4,541.68
5 $1,000 Center for Information & Communication Sciences $4,046.26
Student Org Evening Leaderboard
NEW Challenge! The Student Org that has the most donors from 9-11pm will receive $1,500 for their organization!
Rank Prize Student Orgs Donors
1 $1,500 Spectrum 53
2 Ball State Student Media 50
3 Cardinal Kitchen 11
4 Dance Marathon 4
5 Student Voluntary Services 3
Noon Challenge
The department/unit/team that has the most donors by noon receives $5,000 in challenge funds.
Rank Prize Department, Unit, or Team Donors
1 $5,000 Theatre & Dance 377
2 Athletics 329
3 The Ball State Fund 161
4 Student Scholarships 109
5 College of Architecture & Planning 102
Most Donors Challenge
The department/unit/team that has the most donors by midnight will receive $5,000 in challenge funds.
Rank Prize Areas Donors
1 $5,000 College of Fine Arts 1,292
2 Theatre & Dance 1,023
3 Athletics 888
4 Teachers College 726
5 College of Communication, Information, and Media 708
Student Org Challenge
Help student organizations get ready for the new academic year! The four student orgs with the most gifts from 1-4pm will receive $500 each.
Rank Prize Student Orgs Gifts
1 $500 Ball State Student Media 26
2 $500 Dance Marathon 9
3 $500 Cardinal Kitchen 6
4 $500 Spectrum 5
5 Black Student Association 4
Top 5 Donor Challenge
The five units with the most donors by midnight will each receive $1,000
Rank Prize Department Donors
1 $1,000 Theatre & Dance 1,023
2 $1,000 Athletics 888
3 $1,000 Indiana Academy 261
4 $1,000 School of Music 191
5 $1,000 College of Architecture & Planning 187
Student Gifts Match
Vice President, Ro-Anne Engle will match gifts from students who give to Student Affairs funds up to $500!
Evening Leaderboard
The needs of our students are greater than ever! The five areas with the most donors between 8pm-11pm will each receive $1,000 for their area!
Rank Prize Department Donors
1 $1,000 Theatre & Dance 323
2 $1,000 Athletics 169
3 $1,000 Miller Business Honors Program 81
4 $1,000 Indiana Academy 62
5 $1,000 Spectrum 61
Don't forget to share!

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