**Please note that gifts and donations to the Dance Marathon Foundation Fund will not be directed to Riley Hospital for Children Foundation. All dollars raised for the Dance Marathon Fund will remain on campus and will support Dance Marathon programs and activities.**
Dance Marathon and the student leaders that run Ball State's largest student organization and student-run philanthropy strives to create a year-round fundraising and awareness effort in honor of the children and families at Riley Hospital for Children by unifying the Ball State University student body, providing a strong support system for the kids, and celebrating hope and healing for our Riley families through our Dance Marathon event.
The annual 13.1 hour Dance Marathon event that occurs in February is an amazing event that brings over 1000 Ball State students and hundreds of community and Riley Famly members to the marathon.
How can you help?
Gifts to the Dance Marathon Leadership and Activity Fund will go to support operational expenses associated with the annual marathon event (i.e. production company, rec center staffing, 2 meals for all participants, games and interactive activities, etc.). While Dance Marathon is given a small organization budget from Ball State it is not enough to cover all programs and events that we have historically offered. Gifts to this fund will help offset costs and ensure dollars raised are shared directly with Riley Hospital for Children Foundation.
Donations to this fund also support leadership development opportunities for executive board officers as portions of this fund will be used to supplement travel and registration expenses to the annual Dance Marathon Leadership Conference.
Help us make every activity, program, and event count! #ftk